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We’re a top rated local Honda Civic repair services shop in Fremont, CA. The Honda Civic is probably one of the most important vehicles in the Honda lineup. From being the first commercial success for the company to its continued legacy as one of the most popular affordable compact vehicles, the Civic does a lot of heavy lifting.

For a small vehicle like this, they’re surprisingly sporting, fun to drive, and affordable to own and maintain.
Of course, your Honda Civic deserves the same kind of TLC you would give any other vehicle, and there are some common problems you’ll probably need to address over the lifetime of the vehicle.

Let’s look at some of the common maintenance problems Fremont Foreign Auto sees in Honda Civics, and what you need to know about the problem and its repair.


Full Synthetic Oil Change

Motor oil and the parts needed for your oil change vary in price from vehicle to vehicle.  Please call for an exact price quote for your vehicle make and model.  Our technicians are trained to service just about every make and model vehicle, from engine repair to oil changes.

$200.00 Engine Light Diagnostic

Our technicians are highly skilled and experienced with just about every vehicle make and model.  If your check engine light is on, you can bring it to our shop and we'll diagnose what's wrong with it.  Any authorized diagnostic will be applied toward the cost of your repair, a $200.00 value.


Your fuel pump is one of the most important parts of your vehicle’s fuel system. This is the part that makes sure fuel makes it out of your gas tank and into the engine and makes sure it gets there in time for the complicated series of reactions involved in efficient combustion.

Honda is having a bit of a problem with some of their fuel pumps, and pre-mature failures are relatively common even in other Honda vehicles, not just the Civic.

There is a recall on some vehicles that are affected by this problem, which means you may be able to get a replacement through Honda as well as your mechanic.


Honda Sensing is a system that you can add to your Honda, and that is often included as a standard feature of newer models. It includes things like lane assistance, collision warning, and more tools designed to make driving easier and safer.

However, there are a few different problems with the system that can lead to things going wrong. One of the most common problems in the Civic is that one or more of the cameras in the Honda Sensing system may go bad, leading to incorrect readouts or the system disabling itself because it knows it’s not getting an accurate picture of the area around your vehicle.

Usually, Honda Sensing problems are an easy fix, a matter of resetting the system or replacing faulty cameras, but it’s important to get your Honda Civic to a mechanic to get the problem diagnosed quickly. In some cases, there may be more serious problems and it’s better to know what’s causing the error sooner rather than later.


Oil Dilution is a known issue with some models of Civic and CR-V that come with a 1.5-liter turbocharged engine. Several recent model releases are all affected.

The primary issue is that these engines are allowing a small amount of imperfectly combusted gasoline to mix with the engine oil. That’s not a huge issue immediately, but over time it can lead to the oil becoming heavily diluted, reducing its effectiveness in reducing friction. Additionally, once there is enough gasoline in the oil, it becomes a serious combustion risk inside the engine, which can lead to knocking, overheating, and engine failure.

Typically, oil pressure sensors will alert that there is a problem once the gasoline starts to increase oil volume significantly, but that may not be before your engine starts to have problems.

Frequent oil changes can also help reduce the risks from this problem, but a true repair depends both on the model of engine you’re working with, and whether the source of the dilution can be identified.


The Honda Civic might be one of the most popular affordable vehicles out there, but they don’t exactly have a reputation for comfort.

Unfortunately, this isn’t just an issue of the seats not being a very comfortable design. The other part of the problem is that the seats and seat frames can both wear out prematurely, causing additional sources of discomfort that may get worse over time.

Replacing the seats is usually the best option, and your mechanic may recommend going with a different brand or style of seating for improved comfort.


One of the known issues with some models of Honda Civic’s suspension systems is that they can cause uneven wear and tear on the tires.

The wear and tear, in this case, is pretty severe, sometimes with one side of the tire becoming entirely bald while the other side still has perfectly good tread.
Regular tire rotation can help with this problem, but they’re no guarantee, and the damage happens fast.

If you notice any changes in grip and slippage of your vehicle it’s a good idea to take it in to get the tires and suspension inspected. Unfortunately, there isn’t always a fix for the underlying problems, but buying high-quality tires can help reduce the level of damage and generally have a longer life on your Civic than cheaper alternatives.