Jun 30, 2022
Honda Accords are some of the most popular cars in California, with both the Ridgeline and the Passport being close behind it. This comes mostly from how simple they are to make, which results in them being cheap to buy, incentivizing people to get them and keep them...
Jun 27, 2022
Brake pads and rotors are the two components that actually exert force on your car to halt its advance. This means that, depending on how you drive, they will either be under a lot of pressure or a ton of pressure. There is basically no way to spare them from...
Jun 13, 2022
We here at Fremont Foreign Auto pride ourselves in not only the different makes and models of cars we repair, but also in the different kinds of repairs we do. Every type of repair, from fixing brake lines to diagnosing computer problems, is its own discipline of car...
Jun 6, 2022
Oil is an essential part of a car’s functionality, and we are not even talking about the gasoline that fuels the car. Oil is one of those elements of a car’s design that is simple on paper, but incredibly complicated in how it is implemented within the workings of the...